Sunday 27 April 2008

About Cosmopolitan, Glamour and "rallyes"

Sometimes, I'm just tired of taking courses all day, looking at my computer and reading books so much I begin to mix up all the words. So I just go buy some stupid magazine like Cosmopolitan or Glamour. It is more effective than any aspirin pills. It can be useful too, when you are really depressed and feeling ugly. It has the strange super-power to make better the mood of a depressed person.
In addition, by buying Glamour, I remember a friend that was obsessed with it. In fact she was obsessed by fashion but each month she would buy Glamour and Vogue and discuss all the clothes, and new trends. It became sort of funny, because each month when she got the magazine, she would bring it at school and every friend would ask her to lend it to her. So in the end, she still brought it at school but she showed it only to her closest friends. Everytime someone was coming, she hided it. And it was really funny to look at.
She acted as if fashion was vital. She was always living according to trends, buying tons new clothes every seasons. Talking about her, just make me thinking about another thing. Do you know what are "rallyes"? As I am coming from a little town nearly in the countryside, I didn't heard about it before Highschool. But in the school there were alot of girls coming from Versailles and that were taking part in these "rallyes". It seems that for them rallyes were one of the coolest thing ever. For me that was looking from outside, it was more like a gathering of all the teenagers of the families of the healthy part of versailles. In fact many people of these rallyes marry together. It is a kind of circle. There still are some in Paris too.
When I first heard about it, it surprised me a lot because I assimilated it to a gathering of privileged people like it was for aristocracy during centuries. I thought nothing like that existed anymore. I was maybe too naive at that time. But even if girls taking part in it were always so proud of it, it always disturbed me a lot.
People living near Versailles like to make fun of the conservative people coming from rich, old families of Versailles. That is the caricature of the "Versaillaise" family. But Versailles has got, like Paris, its "jet set". And I'm not sure it's a good thing.
Artwork by Kazuya Minekura

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