Sunday 20 April 2008

Writer's block

Today I have got a so called "writer's block". And even more terrible I didn't want to write. Usually I just talk about what we discussed in the week with friends. But this week I just hadn't anything to say. Furthermore I can't speak of anything related to the campus, it just makes me depressed.
So I decided to speak about writer's block to avoid it. In French it is much more poetic, it's called "syndrome de la page blanche". I took a look at the wikipedia page, there there are even a lot of scientific and very serious theories to explain it. The problem is that these theories don't really help the poor writers experimenting writer's block when all they want is to find a cure. Like me.
In addition, it is said that writer's block "can be closely related to depression and anxiety two mood disorders that reflect environmentally caused or spontaneous changes in the brain's frontal lobe". Very comforting.
At the same time it sounds so true. It fits perfectly what we have to bear at Sciences-po Le Havre. Depression and anxiety are two states of mind that overwhelm the average student of Sciences-po when he has worked for 2 full months already, has 3 galops d'essai coming, only one week of holidays and when he just learned that the people from the administration want to cut off half of his week of holidays because there are 2 people coming to the CCI during this week and that it 'll be terrible for his future if he misses these 2 so-important-and-interesting-and-edifying people. In fact the student is so exhausted that he doesn't want to stay in Le Havre, he just wants Sciences-po to leave him alone, so that he can go home and find emotional support in his family.
It's weird: somehow my post about writer's block just turned out in a claim to protect our holidays (in fact we already have so few that, if this goes on, a SciencesPo-student-with-holidays will soon become one of the many "critically endangered species".)
Artwork by Kazuya Minakura in "Salty Dog III" artbook

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