Saturday 24 May 2008

I did actually forget to talk about Gandhi

After thinking for a while, I did find another person who is as symbolic as Che Guevara. It is Mahatma Gandhi. I should have thought of him earlier since we have a weekly lesson about South Asia but he just seems to have got out of my mind (maybe I just didn't want to think about PSSA, maybe I'm becoming allergic to it). But being a serious person, I can't forget that Gandhi became a symbol in the same way as El Che. Not for the same reasons, Gandhi was a more peaceful guy and a much more down-to-earth person.
However there is not really one photograph of Gandhi that inspired people. And that's my point. For the photographs of Che Guevara and the Afghan girl, they became famous and symbolic due to their portrays and their gesture. It's their expressivness that reached people.
Copyright to oliviakin.

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